Requests Rules & Info
I do not yuck people's yums 97% of the time, I hope everyone else extends me the same courtesy. Rudeness will be met with rudeness, I have a short fuse for disrespect and overfamiliarity. (No "I don't like this [character/ship]" comments, even if you're trying to compliment me. I won't have a positive reaction.)
You have the right to your "nOTP"s, I generally turn the other cheek if I see something I don't like. Again, if you do not do the same to me, it will not get a positive reaction. There's only a few things I won't engage in or draw for other people, but mostly just because it doesn't pique my interest or I can't relate enough to entertain the idea of a ship.
I take requests for things that are familiar and therefore easy for me to think about and take my liberties with. I only take requests for fanbases I'm in, but generally I prefer Homestuck, since it's easiest. This means no fancharacters, no OC's, no self-inserts. I post all art to all my social media, although sometimes at staggered times.
I will not even entertain any requests for problematic contexts. Anything that would be illegal in real life will get an automatic block, this isn't up for debate. I don't draw NSFW for other people either, so please don't ask.
I prefer to draw adult characters, this means aged up characters and characters that are already adults. Preferably 20+, it's a matter of comfort and something I relate to better. If a character looks younger, it most likely wasn't on purpose, but as long as it's in a safe manner and makes sense, I don't mind a reasonable amount of projection by viewers.
Oni's Ships
in no particular order
> Gamzee / Karkat ; Pale + Red
> Dave / Karkat
> Dirk / Jake
> Dirk + Roxy ; BFFs
> Roxy / Calliope
> Dirk / Caliborn
> Dirk / Rufioh
> Karkat + Kanaya ; Pale
> Aradia / Sollux
> Rose / Jade
> Rose / Kanaya
> Nepeta + Equius ; Pale Romantic
> Kurloz / Meulin

Favorite Characters
Order can change
1. Karkat
2. Gamzee
3. Dave
4. Kanaya
5. Dirk
6. Roxy
7. Calliope
8. Meenah
9. Aradia
10. Nepeta
Extras! For Your Consideration!
> Guy can we just talk about that Dolorosa mother/Signless son dynamic. I read this fic about it and it ruined my life
> I lowkey do like Meenah / Karkat but not to the point I get involved in it but I do APPRECIATE IT
> The Dirk / Rufioh thing is really more of a temporary engagement~ ship like a short-term relationship or a scandalous match along the lines of FWB. But the aes is good and they like anime.
> Dirk / Caliborn is similar, my interest is primarily in humanstuck because canon Caliborn is an asshole but there's a good fic about them that changed my mind. Temporary relationship ; Caliborn says I Can Make Him Worse ; Dirk inadvertently makes him better. Don't ask how, I'm in my mind palace.
> I really enjoy AUs. I like humanstuck, mixed population AUs / Earth C AUs, medieval and royalty, borrowed universe AUs based on movies or shows or books, vampires, zombies, I love all the cliches and tropes. I read a lot of fic (:
> I also think Vriska / Terezi is fine, I just don't have a lot of personal investment in it. I've drawn it a lot, though!
> Fact: the Alphas are my favorite group. My love for them very heavily revolves around the positive aspects of their relationship and the heart-to-heart conversations Post-Trickster Mode. They love each other and I won't forgive Epilogues for what they did.
> I have multiple headcanons for some characters but I mostly just stick to one in my art ! I like albino Dave, sometimes I like drawing Gamzee with straighter/wavy fluffy hair, I like to draw Rose a couple different ways, different Kanaya's, etc. etc.
Other Stuff & Ships I Like
Adventure Time
♡ Bubbline ♡
Marshall Lee/Prince GumballDC & Teen Titans
Harley Quinn / Poison Ivy
Dick Grayson / Starfire
Raven / Starfire
Raven / Garfield Logan
Terra / Garfield Logan
Raven + Dick Grayson ; BFFsBoku No Hero Academia
Kirishima / Bakugou
Midoriya / Todoroki
Mirio / Tamaki
Jirou / Momo
Todoroki / Momo ; ♡ or BFFs
Mina + Kirishima ; BFFs
Jirou + Kaminari ; BFFsMad Max: Fury Road
Nux / SlitKiznaiver
Katsuhira Agata / Yoshiharu HisomuMarvel
Deadpool / Spider-Man
AS ADULTS!!! ^♡ Powerpuff Girls ♡
Our Flag Means Death
What We Do In The Shadows
Avatar: The Last Airbender + LOK
Fullmetal Alchemist
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Panty & Stocking
1917 (2022 Movie)
Howl's Moving Castle
My Favorite Movies
Because I'm super passionate about movies.
Mad Max: Fury Road
The fourth installment in the Mad Max series, which is one of my childhood favorite series. Serves as a fantastic stand-alone, famous for its real stunts and props, genius film theory application, amazing action, I've seen it a ridiculous amount of times.Let Me In / Let The Right One In
The English remake & Swedish original movie, very similar with a couple different notable scenes. Based on a darkly explicit book written by a Swedish author about a vampire in a girl's body that makes friends with a loner boy who shows signs of becoming a future serial killer. Can't exactly explain what makes me love this one so much but I love to rewatch it.Cure For Wellness
One of the first horror movies that shocked me and thrilled me & I ended up loving it. First movie I saw starring Mia Goth, alongside Dane DeHaan. Amazing colours, shots, extremely dark & surprising horrors. Rewatch galore for me.Drive
Famous on its own, partially for being loved by men that idolize Ryan Gosling, but I genuinely love this movie. Based on a book, and in neither the movie or book, you do not know the main character's name. It's exciting and I love the way it plays out without too many words. The intense moments are greatly impactful to me and I stay loving it.The Place Beyond The Pines
A three act story with Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, and Dane DeHaan. Amazing story, pretty dark but I love the way it plays out.Moonlight
Undeniably amazing film about many things, namely being gay and black. It always captivates me & the way I feel. Inspired piece of work. Watch this without knowing too much.Logan
The famous serious addition to the X-Men, which if you know me, you know I'm crazy about X-Men and Wolverine and his relationships. Loosely based on the Old Man Logan comics, a great tone for Wolverine's retirement, emotional and tragic and amazing and I cry and I cry and I cry and--It Follows
Very dark premise for a monster in a horror movie. An analogy for STDs, where an invisible monster that can only be seen by the person who "contracted" it sexually, that changes appearances and never stops walking in an effort to get & kill the person. It scared the living shit out of me when I saw it at 15 years old. Surreal time placement and it feels like a fear come to life, with occasionally terrifying imagery.The Half Of It
Amazing friendship movie between a lesbian and a boy, in high school. They become friends when the boy asks the girl (and narrator) to help him write love letters to another girl, who they both coincidentally like. Through the process, they become best friends. Good ending, makes me cry. Extremely feel good, makes me very happy.Boys (2014)
Gay movie about two teen boys. Feel good starting romance between teens in track & field. It's fun and cute and I always enjoy it, with a good ending.The Voices
A goofy but dark horror movie about a delusional happy man played by Ryan Reynolds who "accidentally" becomes a serial killer. His cat Mr. Whiskers, and dog Bosco, talk to him. Whiskers represents the devil on his shoulder, Bosco represents the angel (but also enabler).Us (2019)
Jordan Peele's second horror direction, keeps me on the edge of my seat. Intriguing worldlore and horrifying high concept about the world being taken over by "The Tethered", doppelgangers of every person in the US. Eerie and scary and creative!Midsommar
This movie was crazy to see in theatres. I love to see movies without any information beforehand. The only thing I knew was that this is a horror where it takes place 95% of the time in daylight. The gore is so real and the darkness is dark. You should probably have a strong stomach for this one, the opening before the credits was horrifying to me. I waited a long time before rewatching this.Suspiria
This was also pretty intense to watch. A major improvement on already good ideas in the original 1977 version. The horror is also very real in this one, it's scary and thrilling for sure. Recommend a strong stomach for this, too, I also waited over a year before rewatching. The witchery at play is sometimes subtle but so strong. The ending is disorienting and horrifying but you won't forget it!10 Cloverfield Lane
This movie gave me a panic attack in the theatre. I love it. Based on a short story called "The Cellar", this is one of the most suspenseful movies I've ever seen. Hard to know what'll happen next, you constantly root for the protagonist. Keep in mind this is a psychological thriller for adults.Crimson Peak
I like to recommend this to people. Famously a Guillermo Del Toro movie, starring Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, and many others, including Doug Jones' masterful monster acting. A beautiful movie with classic shots, practical effect-made monsters, gorgeous costumes, and amazing sets & colours. A classic scandal and ghosts and uuugh it's so good just to LOOK at!!!9 (2009)
I was lucky enough to see this in one of the rare viewings in theatres at ten years old, when it came out. It had a great impact on me & it holds up as an underrated movie. Animated, dark, Tim Burton produced, about burlap sack puppets with pieces of their maker's souls infused in them. They're the only living beings in the post-apocalyptic world, next to evil scrap metal creatures. Amazing character design that's easy to get attached to. This movie and Coraline shaped me lol.Frank
Loosely based on a short book from a man who had a friendship with an odd musician who went by the stagename "Frank Sidebottom", this recreation featuring Domnhall Gleeson and others also had an impact on me. It's dark at times, being about a band of people with mental illness and Frank being a man who never takes off his paper mache head with "musical genius". But, it's also fun sometimes and funny. Carries a lot of feeling, in my opinion, and has original unconventional music.I Am Legend (2008)
Based on a book which had a TON of movies and spin-offs. This shit rocks. I prefer the alternate ending.Electroma
Daft Punk's art film without a single piece of dialogue, about their robot personas wishing to be human. Not for everyone, but I've seen it a lot and I love it.Blade Runner 2049
This shit rocks. Cool visuals and doesn't have to talk too much. Long and slow and fucking sick. Big step up from the first one, if you ask me.The Dark Crystal
Watch this. Frank Oz made it. It's from the 80s and it's got all these puppets and it's dark and fantasy and lore filled and it's awesome. I feel so lucky I got to see it in theatres, I own the art book, with the concepts drawn and designed by legendary fantasy artist Brian Froud.Howl's Moving Castle
I have a brain. This is the greatest romance of all time. By the animation GOAT, based on a book, sexiest male character you'll ever darn see.Good Will Hunting
This is one of those movies people will be like "you haven't seen this?!" and yeah it's pretty good but I saw it young so I think it might not be as impactful if you've seen a lot of newer stuff. It's just about this guy dealing with his problems and going to therapy and learning to open up. It's pretty cool. Deserving of its praise. Robin Williams <3Young Frankenstein
This is goofy as hell, a childhood favorite for me so this is probably just more personal to me. Starring Gene Wilder, about Victor Frankenstein's son who wants nothing to do with his infamous father, but ends up recreating his legacy. This is a slapstick black+white comedy from the 70s, so probably not for everyone, but it's a fun good time.1917 (2019)
If you were following me in 2020, I'm so sorry. This won an Oscar, though, for good reason. Genius direction to look like one long shot, about World War 1 where two soldiers must deliver a message across enemy lines! It's so captivating and the sound design is amazing and OH MAN the flare scene, holy shit dude. Get ready to cry and shit your pants.